

La Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) promuove la prima metodologia e programma di certificazione paneuropea che si basa sull’analisi del ciclo di vita per misurare il carbon footprint degli edifici.

LCBI promuove la prima metodologia paneuropea che si basa sull’analisi del ciclo di vita per misurare l’impronta di carbonio degli edifici. Un programma di certificazione su questa metodologia metterà in risalto gli edifici con standard ambientali esemplari Read full press release Comunicato stampa, 25 gennaio 2024 La Low [...]


Could the Low Carbon Building Initiative help establish a common framework for carbon accounting?

Could the Low Carbon Building Initiative help establish a common framework for carbon accounting? LCBI has been featured in the December 2023/January 2024 Sustainable Investing Issue of PERE : Private Equity Real Estate Magazine. The article highlights the critical need of a common European language for buildings carbon accounting, [...]


Decarbonizing Real Estate: the Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) announces first results of its pilot phase with 15 pioneering projects across Europe

Decarbonizing Real Estate: the Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) announces first results of its pilot phase with 15 pioneering projects across Europe Full press release here Paris, September 20th The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI), a non-profit aiming at reducing carbon emissions in the real estate industry, is [...]


Décarbonisation de l’immobilier : la Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) annonce les premiers résultats de sa phase pilote sur 15 projets immobiliers dans toute l’Europe

Décarbonisation de l'immobilier : la Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) annonce les premiers résultats de sa phase pilote sur 15 projets immobiliers dans toute l'Europe Lire le communiqué de presse Paris, le 20 septembre La Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI), une ONG visant à réduire les émissions de [...]


10th May at 11:00 am – Webinar – LCBI Objectives and Methodology

10th May at 11:00 AM CET - Webinar - LCBI Objectives and Methodology Decarbonising economic activities should be the number one priority of the real estate industry. Our collective challenge is to measure carbon emissions reliably, and then design action levers to reduce them. There are many ongoing [...]


First pan-European low-carbon label to be launched at MIPIM

MIPIM is kicking off on a green note: leading real estate players are launching the first pan-European certification label for low-carbon assets at the international property event starting today in Cannes. The initiative aims to promote a reduction in the carbon footprint of buildings throughout their life cycle and thereby [...]


The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint of real estate based on a Life-Cycle Analysis

The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint of real estate based on a Life-Cycle Analysis The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint [...]


Il Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) rivela la metodologia per la prima etichetta paneuropea a basse emissioni di carbonio, che misura l’impronta di carbonio degli immobili sulla base di un’analisi del ciclo di vita.

Il Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) rivela la metodologia per la prima etichetta paneuropea a basse emissioni di carbonio, che misura l'impronta di carbonio degli immobili sulla base di un'analisi del ciclo di vita. Il settore immobiliare rappresenta oltre un terzo delle emissioni di CO2. Il calcolo delle [...]


Het Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) laat u kennis maken met de methodologie voor het eerste pan-Europese koolstofarme label dat de koolstofvoetafdruk van vastgoed meet op basis van een levenscyclusanalyse.

Het Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) laat u kennis maken met de methodologie voor het eerste pan-Europese koolstofarme label dat de koolstofvoetafdruk van vastgoed meet op basis van een levenscyclusanalyse. De vastgoedsector is verantwoordelijk voor meer dan een derde van de CO2-uitstoot. Om de werkelijke koolstofvoetafdruk van een [...]


Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) révèle la méthodologie du premier label bas carbone pan-européen, qui mesure l’empreinte carbone de l’immobilier en se basant sur l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie

Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) révèle la méthodologie du premier label bas carbone pan-européen, qui mesure l’empreinte carbone de l’immobilier en se basant sur l’Analyse du Cycle de Vief Le secteur de l’immobilier représente plus d’un tiers des émissions de CO2. Mesurer les émissions de CO2 à chaque [...]


Die Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) stellt die Methodik für das erste paneuropäische Gütesiegel für einen geringen CO2-Ausstoß vor, das den CO2- Fußabdruck von Immobilien anhand einer Lebenszyklusanalyse misst

Die Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) stellt die Methodik für das erste paneuropäische Gütesiegel für einen geringen CO2-Ausstoß vor, das den CO2- Fußabdruck von Immobilien anhand einer Lebenszyklusanalyse misst Die auf der MIPIM 2022 ins Leben gerufene Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) vereint die wichtigsten Akteure des Immobiliensektors, [...]


First pan-European low-carbon label to be launched at MIPIM

First pan-European low-carbon label to be launched at MIPIM Read full article March 15th, 2022 MIPIM is kicking off on a green note: leading real estate players are launching the first pan-European certification label for low-carbon assets at the international property event starting today in Cannes. The initiative [...]


Bureau Veritas joins LCBI

Bureau Veritas joins an initiative led by key players in the real estate sector to launch the first pan-European lowcarbon real estate label Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification, will be the certification network for the future pan-European low-carbon label announced at MIPIM 2022 [...]


BBCA joins forces with European real estate players on a new pan-European low carbon label

BBCA joins forces with European real estate players on a new pan-European low carbon label Aware of the key role of real estate in the fight against climate change, as the world'slargest emitter of CO2, several European players in the sector - Ivanhoe Cambridge, Covivio, BNP Paribas Real [...]



UN LABEL BAS CARBONE PAN-EUROPÉEN Le secteur immobilier, premier émetteur de CO2 avec 39% des émissions mondiales, est un acteur clé de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. Pour atteindre la neutralité carbone d'ici 2050, tous les pays européens doivent s'efforcer de réduire l'empreinte carbone des bâtiments neufs et existants. Au MIPIM, les [...]


Lancement d’un label Bas Carbone européen

Lancement d’un label Bas Carbone européen La vertitude devient un critère d’investissement immobilier incontournable en Europe. Des investisseurs d’une dizaine de pays s’appuient sur l’association BBCA pour développer un outil européen. Comme l’explique Stéphane Villemain, vice-président RSE d'Ivanhoé Cambridge, le but de cette douzaine d’investisseurs européens est d’établir [...]


Marktführer der Immobilienbranche launchen Low-Carbon-Label

Marktführer der Immobilienbranche launchen Low-Carbon-Label Die Immobilienbranche, der größte CO2-Emittent mit einem Anteil von 39 Prozent an den weltweiten Emissionen, ist ein Schlüsselakteur im Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung. Um bis 2050 Klimaneutralität zu erreichen, müssen alle europäischen Länder daran arbeiten, den CO2-Fußabdruck neuer und bestehender Gebäude zu [...]
