LCBI featured as one of the most exemplary standards for decarbonization and transparency

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June, 2024

How can we unlock fast decarbonisation in the real estate sector ?
This is the matter the report « Seing is believing : Unlocking the low-carbon real estate market », by LOTUF and Systemiq focuses on.

Indeed, a group of investors under the collective name #LOTUF has put out a call for the built environment to start reporting and reducing embodied carbon, operational carbon, and operational energy. This group is made of ATPBlackRockHOOPP (Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan)Ivanhoé CambridgeNorges Bank Investment ManagementPictet GroupUrban Partners and Victory Group. In their report, developed with Systemiq Ltd., they assess various schemes and standards against the principles that they need to see in order to be able to support the transition to Net Zero.

In particular, these include:
(1) transparent reporting of embodied and operational carbon,
(2) this to be based on measured data, and
(3) all of this to align with 1.5 degree aligned limits.

As featured in this study and the images below, LCBI is the only European standard delivering on every principle.

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