The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint of real estate based on a Life-Cycle Analysis

2023-03-14T16:46:36+01:002023-03-13|Press releases|

The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint of real estate based on a Life-Cycle Analysis The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) reveals the methodology for the first pan-European low carbon label, measuring the carbon footprint [...]

Il Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) rivela la metodologia per la prima etichetta paneuropea a basse emissioni di carbonio, che misura l’impronta di carbonio degli immobili sulla base di un’analisi del ciclo di vita.

2023-03-14T16:41:53+01:002023-03-13|Press releases|

Il Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) rivela la metodologia per la prima etichetta paneuropea a basse emissioni di carbonio, che misura l'impronta di carbonio degli immobili sulla base di un'analisi del ciclo di vita. Il settore immobiliare rappresenta oltre un terzo delle emissioni di CO2. Il calcolo delle [...]

Het Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) laat u kennis maken met de methodologie voor het eerste pan-Europese koolstofarme label dat de koolstofvoetafdruk van vastgoed meet op basis van een levenscyclusanalyse.

2023-03-14T16:41:17+01:002023-03-13|Press releases|

Het Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) laat u kennis maken met de methodologie voor het eerste pan-Europese koolstofarme label dat de koolstofvoetafdruk van vastgoed meet op basis van een levenscyclusanalyse. De vastgoedsector is verantwoordelijk voor meer dan een derde van de CO2-uitstoot. Om de werkelijke koolstofvoetafdruk van een [...]

Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) révèle la méthodologie du premier label bas carbone pan-européen, qui mesure l’empreinte carbone de l’immobilier en se basant sur l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie

2023-03-15T18:19:33+01:002023-03-13|Press releases|

Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) révèle la méthodologie du premier label bas carbone pan-européen, qui mesure l’empreinte carbone de l’immobilier en se basant sur l’Analyse du Cycle de Vief Le secteur de l’immobilier représente plus d’un tiers des émissions de CO2. Mesurer les émissions de CO2 à chaque [...]

Die Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) stellt die Methodik für das erste paneuropäische Gütesiegel für einen geringen CO2-Ausstoß vor, das den CO2- Fußabdruck von Immobilien anhand einer Lebenszyklusanalyse misst

2023-03-15T18:28:02+01:002023-03-13|Press releases|

Die Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) stellt die Methodik für das erste paneuropäische Gütesiegel für einen geringen CO2-Ausstoß vor, das den CO2- Fußabdruck von Immobilien anhand einer Lebenszyklusanalyse misst Die auf der MIPIM 2022 ins Leben gerufene Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) vereint die wichtigsten Akteure des Immobiliensektors, [...]

Bureau Veritas joins LCBI

2023-03-10T16:08:27+01:002022-04-25|Press releases|

Bureau Veritas joins an initiative led by key players in the real estate sector to launch the first pan-European lowcarbon real estate label Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification, will be the certification network for the future pan-European low-carbon label announced at MIPIM 2022 [...]

LCB Initiative’s launch

2023-03-14T12:18:26+01:002022-03-14|Press releases|

Launch of a European low-carbon label Green is becoming an essential criterion for real estate investment in Europe. Investors from a dozen countries rely on the BBCA association to develop a European tool. As Stéphane Villemain, vice president of CSR at Ivanhoe Cambridge, explains, the goal of this [...]